职位名称 招聘人数 岗位性质 工作地点 发布时间 投递简历

  • HR training and certificates officer(J10429) 1 Management  国外-乌干达-中部区... 2023-07-09

    1.Be responsible for organizing the post ability evaluation of employees and carrying out targeted ability improvement;
    2.Be responsible for training management, including training plan, training implementation, training files, training expenses, etc;
    3.Responsible for establishing certificate matrix management of Uganda company, and doing well in operation monitoring and updating;
    4.Responsible for the integration of evidence collection resources within the scope of Uganda company;
    5.Responsible for the construction of full-time and part-time lecturers of Uganda company;
    6.Be responsible for the management of human resources contractors related to job responsibilities;
    7.Be responsible for the work related to the management of Uganda company's going abroad on business, and be responsible for the pre departure education, passport management, visa processing, foreigner work permit processing and other work of Uganda company's employees;
    8.Be responsible for the preparation and updating of system documents within the scope of work responsibilities;
    Complete other tasks assigned by the superior.
    1.Bachelor degree or above;
    2.Have accumulated more than 5 years of working experience for HR department;
    3.Have a strong sense of responsibility, overall situation, service and confidentiality;
    4.English level meeting the job requirements;
    5.Have strong written expression ability, logical thinking ability, communication and coordination ability;
    6.5 year or above personnel training management working experience is preferred;
    7.Have physical and mental health conditions suitable for the post;
    8.Proficient in computer operation, able to use Microsoft office and other office software.
  • HR officer(J10428) 1 Management  国外-乌干达-中部区... 2023-07-09

    1.According to the business development needs of Uganda company, implement the annual employment plan and be responsible for the employment approval procedures;
    2.Be responsible for the recruitment, induction and other processes of various employment of Uganda company, and do a good job of relevant approval and record retention;
    3.Responsible for the labor contract management of various employment of Uganda company;
    4.Responsible for the dismissal and resignation of various employees of Uganda company;
    5.Responsible for localization of Uganda company;
    6.Be responsible for the management of human resources contractors related to job responsibilities;
    7.Responsible for labor disputes and litigation control, labor risk early warning and management, local employee management and public relations handling within the scope of Uganda company;
    8.Be responsible for the preparation and updating of system documents within the scope of work.
    1.Bachelor degree or above;
    2.Have accumulated more than 5 years of working experience for HR
    3.Have a strong sense of responsibility, overall situation, service and confidentiality;
    4.English level meeting the job requirements;
    5.Have strong written expression ability, logical thinking ability, communication and coordination ability;
    6.5 year or above personnel working experience is preferred;
    7.Have physical and mental health conditions suitable for the post
    8.Proficient in computer operation, able to use Microsoft office and other office software.
  • Safety Supervisor(J10444) 1 Management  国外-乌干达-中部区... 2023-07-09

    1.Are responsible and accountable for their team’s health and safety performance;
    2. Conduct informal health and safety meetings with their employees at least monthly;
    3. Enforce all safe systems of work procedures that the Departmental Manager has issued;
    4. Report to the Departmental Manager any weaknesses in the safe system of work procedures or any actions taken to revise such procedures. These weaknesses may be revealed by either health and safety risk assessments or observations;
    5. Report any jobs that are not covered by safe systems of work procedures to the Departmental Manager;
    6. Review any unsafe acts and conditions and either eliminate them or report them to the Departmental Manager;
    Instruct employees in relevant health and safety rules, make records of this instruction and enforce all health and safety rules and procedures;
    7. Make daily inspections of assigned work areas and take immediate steps to correct any unsafe or unsatisfactory conditions, report to the Departmental Manager those conditions that cannot be immediately corrected and instruct employees on housekeeping standards;
    8. Instruct employees that tools/equipment are to be inspected before each use and make spot checks of tools ’ /equipment’s condition.
    1.Bachelor degree or above, major in Petroleum Engineering/Mechanical Engineering, etc.
    Minimum 3 years experience in Oil&Gas Industry.
    2.Be with knowledge of Petroleum Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/O.C. Application, etc.
    3.Be familiar with drilling technology, fluids(cementing and drilling and completion fluids) technology and processes.
    4.Have healthy body and mood that are fit to work.
    5.Be with skills of computer, office software, etc.
    6.Be fluent in English listening/speaking/reading/writing.
    7.Be familiar with HSE laws, regulations and international conventions.
  • Safety Officer(J10445) 1 Management  国外-乌干达-中部区... 2023-07-09

    1.Compile safety programs.
    2.Practice safe working techniques.
    3.Implement and maintain health and safety standards.
    4.Establish a cordial and professional relationship with employees.
    5.Maintain compliance with all safety regulations.
    6.Conduct regular staff meetings to share best practice techniques.
    7.Standardize health and safety in order to remain consistent.
    8.Identify hazardous waste and disposing of it correctly.
    9.Promote safety initiatives.
    10.Compile and maintain relevant registers to ensure compliance.
    11.Document staff information, minutes of meetings, and reports compiled for management.
    12.Regularly inspect equipment.
    1.Bachelor degree or above, major in Petroleum Engineering/Mechanical Engineering, etc.
    2.Be with knowledge of Petroleum Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/O.C. Application, etc.
    3.Be familiar with drilling technology, fluids(cementing and drilling and completion fluids) technology and processes.
    4.Have healthy body and mood that are fit to work.
    5.Be with skills of computer, office software, etc.
    6.Be fluent in English listening/speaking/reading/writing.
    7.Be familiar with HSE laws, regulations and international conventions.
  • National Content management(J10480) 2 Management  国外-乌干达-中部区... 2023-07-09

    1. Be familiar with the relevant laws of national content;
    2. Make recommendations based on national content;
    3. Ensure that Oil technology unit meets national content requirements;
    4. Other duties assigned by CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVE
    1. Bachelor’s degree or above.
    2. Drilling, geology or the related.
    3. At least 3 years of National Content management.
    4. Be familiar with the relevant laws of national content.
    5. Have knowledge of wireline logging /perforation/ DD/LWD;
    6. Proficiency in Computer and Knowledge of COSL WELLTECH Data Processing software includes EGPS, Logview, Emeraude, COSL VSP;
    7. Proficiency in Office software;
    8. Promotion ability of COSL WELLTECH new equipment;
    9. Fluency in English both written and spoken;
    10. Good skill and ability to communicate with others effectively.
    11. Familiar with QHSE management system of COSL Uganda SMC Ltd.;
    12. Recognize the corporate culture of COSL Uganda SMC Ltd..
  • Safety Coordinator(J10483) 1 Management  国外-乌干达-中部区... 2023-07-09

    1.Responsible for bring forward on safety items during operations before and after the shift. In special operation areas set the warning sign boards.
    2.Responsible for organizing weekly safety meeting, summing up past week’s safety work, analyzing the encountered problems, offering resolve method and precautionary steps , supervising safety work implement, planning next week’s safety work and recording.
    3.Responsible for organizing staffs HSE training, attending monthly Safety management meeting, reporting phase safety work, talking about the questions and setting ways adopted in the reports, and fill in the periodic safety record report required by CNOOC.
    4.Responsible for inspecting the safety equipment and well control equipment . As fire extinguishers, fire fight pumps , fire fight hose , SCBA , escape unite ,fall protection unit , H2S alarming ,shower and eye wash unit, safety harness, all kinds of safety sign boards , BOP , up and down Kelly cock, back pressure valve ,safety valve, portfire, ram cores ,annular element , pressure test tools , special tools for BOP , hydraulic control unit, hydraulic control pipes , air control console , choke &kill manifold , M/G separator ect.
    5.Responsible for the reception and managing to foreign employees and other foreigners’ safety.
    6.Assist Safety engineer to organize H2S drill, BOP drill, fire fighting drill and recording as required.
    7.Responsible for auditing of the site work permit, supervisor in accordance with the JSA/WI requirements, high-risk operations must be on-site supervision.
    8.Responsible for preparing of daily fire facilities, supervision personnel in strict accordance with fire requirements to ensure fire safety.
    9.Responsible for accident investigation and report to superior department.
    10.According to the appropriate procedures to monitor and manage environment protection.
    11.Responsible for rig crews health inspection ,ensure that each one will be in good working states.
    12.Responsible for training Ugandan employees in safety awareness and safety skills, timely stop unsafe behavior, and ensure that they are not harmed to the greatest extent, and report the safety status of the well team to the Chinese headquarters company every month; Gradually train the safety management personnel of the team.
    1.College degree or above
    2.Understand and apply company QHSE management system, lead or participate in land rig accident investigation and root cause analysis.
    3.At least 1 years HSE management experience on offshore platforms or land RIGS.
    4.integrity, decent, honest and self-discipline.
    5.Strong organizational and coordination ability, execution ability, communication ability and expression ability;
    6.Master the relevant management system and relevant laws and regulations implemented by this position;
    7.Have strong professional knowledge and management ability.
    8.Possess the computer application and Chinese and English communication skills to meet the needs of the work
    9.Under 50 years old.
    10.Hold relevant qualification certificates required by the company
  • 资深采油工程师(提高采收率方向)(油生)(J10259) 2 科技研发  天津市 2023-05-30

    1. 负责提高采收率专业技术发展规划的编制及实施;
    2. 负责新技术及新方法的引进与集成、自主研发工作;
    3. 负责公司科研项目及生产科研项目的质量、进度、费用等的管理控制;
    4. 负责组织调剖调驱堵水工艺方案编写及现场技术指导;
    5. 负责调剖调驱堵水新技术的引进、研发、推介及现场应用工作
    6. 负责调剖调驱堵水技术团队建设及人员培养管理工作;
    7. 积极开拓相关业务市场,实时沟通协调客户关系。
    8. 负责对各项目提供相应专业的技术支持;
    9. 针对现场技术难题,提出攻关课题、开展相关技术研究和和课题攻关;
    10. 负责完成上级领导交办的其它工作。
    1. 具备10年(硕士、博士)/15年(本科)及以上的化学产品设计、合成、研发的工作经验或动管柱堵控水工艺的工作经验;具备高级以上职称者优先;
    2. 学历要求:硕士研究生(全日制)及以上学历;特别优秀的可适当放宽至大学本科(全日制);
    3. 成果业绩:负责或参与厅局级以上科研项目 3 项以上。 或负责过 2 项以上商业化技术产品开发,拥有 1 项以上具备 国内先进水平的标志性科研成果,取得以下情形之一或与之相当的成果业绩:
    (2)厅局级科技奖励一等奖及以上(排名前 3);
    (3)国内外发明专利(排名前 3);
    (4)国家标准(排名前 8);
    4. 掌握采油工程、油田化学、EOR原理、有机化学等专业知识;
    5. 具备基本的油藏专业知识及各种增产措施机理及适用条件;
    6. 熟悉本专业的技术标准和研究规范;
    7. 具备调剖、调驱、堵水等技术方案审核能力;
    8. 熟悉提高采收率专业国内外的技术发展现状,对该专业技术发展方向有明确清晰的认知,并能协助完成专业技术发展规划。
  • 资深油藏工程师(油生)(J10258) 8 科技研发  天津市 2023-05-30

    1. 负责专业技术发展规划的编制及实施;
    2. 负责新技术及新方法的引进与集成、自主研发工作;
    3. 负责公司级及以上科研项目的质量、进度、费用等的管理控制;
    4. 负责增产措施相关地质油藏、数值模拟研究、方案优化及把关指导等;
    5. 负责对各项目提供相应专业的技术支持;
    6. 负责油藏数值模拟、油藏方案编制等油藏方向的专业技术培训和人才培养;
    7. 针对油田开发的技术难题,提出攻关课题、开展相关技术研究和和课题攻关;
    8. 负责完成上级领导交办的其它工作。
    1. 具备10年(硕士、博士)/15年(本科)以上工作经验,具备高级以上职称者优先,精通油藏工程专业知识并熟练掌握一项或以上油藏商业软件;
    2. 学历要求:硕士研究生(全日制)及以上学历;特别优秀的可适当放宽至大学本科(全日制);
    3. 成果业绩:负责或参与厅局级以上科研项目 3 项以上。 或负责过 2 项以上商业化技术产品开发,拥有 1 项以上具备 国内先进水平的标志性科研成果,取得以下情形之一或与之相当的成果业绩:
    (2)厅局级科技奖励一等奖及以上(排名前 3);
    (3)国内外发明专利(排名前 3);
    (4)国家标准(排名前 8);
    4. 熟悉采油工程、各种增产措施机理及适用条件;
    5. 熟悉本专业的技术标准和研究规范;
    6. 具备油藏工程技术方案审核能力;
    7. 熟悉油藏工程专业国内外的技术发展现状,对该专业技术发展方向有明确清晰的认知,并能协助完成油藏专业技术发展规划;
    8. 具备较强的团队协作、专业人才培养及梯队建设的能力。
  • 资深完井工艺工程师(油生)(J10257) 2 科技研发  天津市 2023-05-30

    1. 负责完井工艺专业技术发展规划的编制及实施;
    2. 负责完井工艺新技术及新方法的引进与集成、自主研发工作;
    3. 负责公司级及以上科研项目的质量、进度、费用等的管理控制;
    4. 负责防砂、控水、多分支井等完井工艺方案优化及把关指导等;
    5. 负责对各科研、生产项目提供相应专业的技术支持;
    6. 负责完井工艺、工具等方向的专业技术培训和人才培养;
    7. 针对油田开发的完井技术难题,提出攻关课题、开展相关技术研究;
    8. 负责完成上级领导交办的工作。
    1. 具备10年(硕士、博士)/15年(本科)及以上的完井工艺相关工作经验,具备高级以上职称者优先,熟练掌握完井工艺专业知识,能够独立开展方案设计、技术支持、方案汇报等工作;
    2. 学历要求:硕士研究生(全日制)及以上学历;特别优秀的可适当放宽至大学本科(全日制);
    3. 成果业绩:负责或参与厅局级以上科研项目 3 项以上。 或负责过 2 项以上商业化技术产品开发,拥有 1 项以上具备 国内先进水平的标志性科研成果,取得以下情形之一或与之相当的成果业绩:
    (2)厅局级科技奖励一等奖及以上(排名前 3);
    (3)国内外发明专利(排名前 3);
    (4)国家标准(排名前 8);
    4. 熟练掌握油田开发、石油工程、钻完井工程、完井工艺、工具、液体等相关专业知识;
    5. 熟练掌握一项或以上完井商业软件,如Fracpro、Stimplan、Landmark、Netool等;
    6. 熟悉疏松砂岩出砂、微粒运移机理,熟悉前沿防砂、压裂、控水、分支井等技术;
    7. 熟悉完井专业的技术标准和研究规范;
    8. 具备完井工程技术方案审核能力;
    9. 熟悉完井工程专业国内外的技术发展现状,对该专业技术发展方向有明确清晰的认知,并能协助完成完井专业技术发展规划;
    10. 具备较强的团队协作、专业人才培养及梯队建设的能力。
  • 资深采油工程师(CCUS方向)(油生)(J10255) 1 科技研发  天津市 2023-05-30

    1. 负责专业技术发展规划的编制及实施;
    2. 负责新技术及新方法的引进与集成、自主研发工作;
    3. 负责公司级及以上科研项目的质量、进度、费用等的管理控制;
    4. 负责CCUS方向方案优化及把关指导等;
    5. 负责对各项目提供相应专业的技术支持;
    6. 负责CCUS方向的专业技术培训和人才培养;
    7. 针对油田开发的技术难题,提出攻关课题、开展相关技术研究和和课题攻关;
    8. 负责完成上级领导交办的其它工作。
    1. 具备10年(硕士、博士)/15年(本科)及以上工作经验,具备高级以上职称者优先,精通CCUS和采油工程专业知识并熟练掌握一项或以上采油或者CCUS商业软件;
    2. 学历要求:硕士研究生(全日制)及以上学历;特别优秀的可适当放宽至大学本科(全日制);
    3. 成果业绩:负责或参与厅局级以上科研项目 3 项以上。 或负责过 2 项以上商业化技术产品开发,拥有 1 项以上具备 国内先进水平的标志性科研成果,取得以下情形之一或与之相当的成果业绩:
    (2)厅局级科技奖励一等奖及以上(排名前 3);
    (3)国内外发明专利(排名前 3);
    (4)国家标准(排名前 8);
    4. 熟悉采油工程、各种增产措施机理及适用条件;
    5. 熟悉CCUS专业的技术标准和研究规范;
    6. 具备采油工程技术方案审核能力;
    7. 熟悉采油工程专业国内外的技术发展现状,对该专业技术发展方向有明确清晰的认知,并能协助完成采油专业技术发展规划;
    8. 具备较强的团队协作、专业人才培养及梯队建设的能力。
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